For more info explore, or reach out to
June 24 Community Meeting
5pm, Homewood Friends Meeting at 3107 North Charles Street.
All are welcome to continue the planning and work of building our community.
June 29 Kabbalat Shabbat
7pm, Homewood Friends Meeting at 3107 North Charles Street.
Friday night Shabbat service full of song, poetry, prayer, and a vegetarian potluck. Come to celebrate the last year's leadership and bless the incoming board, a member's conversion, and Rabbi Ariana's ordination and graduation!
July 5 Beit Midrash
6pm, Red Emma's Cafe and Bookstore at 30 W. North Avenue.
The Beit Midrash is a monthly study group that reads between the lines of the Torah and Midrash to reach our own radically personal interpretations of sacred texts.
July 21 Tisha B'Av Commemoration
Location and details TBA.
Tisha B'Av is a day of mourning, marked by chanting the book of Lamentations and holding ritual for destruction and devastation of the Jewish people, and around the world.
July 26 Tu B'Av Celebration
Location and details TBA.
Tu B'Av is the Jewish day of love and romance. Join for an exploration of Jewish relationship ethics and customs, and eat some chocolate!
August 9 Beit Midrash
6pm, Red Emma's Cafe and Bookstore at 30 W. North Ave.
The Beit Midrash is a monthly study group that reads between the lines of the Torah and Midrash to reach our own radically personal interpretations of sacred texts.
August 16-September 6 Class: Preparing for 5779
7pm, registration to open in July.
Join Rabbi Ariana for a four part class exploring the liturgy and music, themes, and meaning of the High Holy Day season. Develop personal practice for the month of Elul (the month prior the High Holy Days) and deepen your presence for the intense reflective and communal time ahead.
August 24 Kabbalat Shabbat
7pm, Homewood Friends Meeting.
Friday night Shabbat service full of song, poetry, prayer, and a vegetarian potluck.