COVID Guidelines
Our COVID response committee of doctors and public health experts in our congregation have updated Hinenu's COVID policies as of August 2023!
Please note that to attend an in person event proof of vaccination is required, masking with a KN95 or better mask is required while indoors, all services are live streamed, and you are encouraged to stay home with any new symptom regardless of a negative COVID test.
Indoor gathering expectations
To attend services in person, Hinenu requires:
N95 or KN95 mask at all times for everyone over 2 years of age. Masks available if you forget! Those who cannot wear a mask for accessibility reasons are exempt— all who can mask in part for this reason!
Full vaccination for all who are able. Please upload your vaccine card the first time you register, once your vaccine card is on file, there is no need to resubmit.
Service leaders (who unmask when more than 6’ away from anyone else) take rapid tests before leading services. Attendees are not required to take a COVID test before coming to a service, though of course encouraged.
Staying home if you are experiencing symptoms as an act of community care. Stay home if you have any new systemic or respiratory symptoms, even if you are confident it is "just a cold" or "allergies" and even if you test negative on a rapid antigen test. Additionally, do not gather in person if you have had a close exposure (prolonged indoor or household contact) within the last 5 days.
To our community members with chronic allergies, asthma, or other health concerns: we trust in your awareness and discernment around these decisions! If you are a person with chronic systemic/respiratory issues and have tested negative for Covid, we trust you to know your body and make your best judgment around safety for yourself and others.
Details on Homewood
When we gather in the meeting room (Shabbat morning and large events), windows will be open in warm seasons. There is not an air purifications sytem due to the large size of the room, as assessed by Homewood's team. When we gather in classrooms and the dining room (Kabbalat Shabbat) air purifiers will be run.
Service leaders may unmask when leading (must continue to maintain 6 foot distance).
Registration, Waivers, and Vaccine Information
Registration is appreciated but not required for services. Walk ins are welcome! If you do walk in you will be asked to register at the door, and provide proof of vaccination and agree to the above gathering agreements, if you have not done so already.
Hinenu is not planning indoor gatherings involving food at this time regardless of the level of community spread. We ask that anyone who needs to eat during an event use a private space (if available) or eat outside.
For members who choose to participate in an outdoor meal at Hinenu events, we ask that before sitting with others outside your household/pod, first check in and ask if they are comfortable sharing space when eating (some will not be and some will be and both are valid). If there is communal food at an event, please wear a mask and do not linger around the table while or after making plates. For those planning events that may involve food, please notify all potential participants in advance so they can make informed choices about if and how to participate.
Please continue to follow official guidance to the greatest degree possible and known. When guidance is ambiguous, please be guided by best judgment: be respectful, mindful, and communicative about your own and others’ risk tolerances and prioritize the safety of yourselves and other community members. We understand that people are experiencing this public health crisis in different ways, have different levels of risk, and different levels of ability to meet all recommended guidelines. This is an opportunity to practice and normalize asking about and respecting consent around personal space and levels of contact. Let’s embrace this potential for larger cultural shift toward consent and conscientiousness as we co-create our community!
What will hybrid services be like?
When at Homewood Friends: the meeting room has a large TV that will display the Zoom attendees, and an Owl microphone/speaker that can collect the room’s voices, pivot toward the speaker, and share voices of those joining in from home.
When at Peabody: Hinenu uses the “High Holy Day setup” with a high resolution camera and microphone.
When outdoors: Hinenu uses an iPad and stand to stream video of the event.
What are the in person locations and their accommodations?
Homewood Friends meeting room can accommodate 300 people, but for our purposes will hold 40 at a time with distance. Homewood has a beautiful setup with a large TV in the center of the room, an Owl camera that moves based on who is speaking at the time and broadcasts to Zoom, and a tech setup for people from home to participate in the service. There is no HVAC system due to the age of the building, but when the weather is temperate enough windows will be opened for a cross-breeze. Here are pictures of the sanctuary setup.
Homewood has a curb cut and a wheelchair ramp to the front door, with an accessible bathroom on the ground floor. The second floor and basement are accessible by elevator.
Peabody Heights Brewery is at Barclay and 30th Street. The outdoor location has a large event tent with flaps that the venue keeps closed in the winter and open in the summer, outdoor heaters, space to gather outside the tent including a stage. Hinenu programming will take place on the open patio. Bathrooms are located indoors.
The parking lot on 30th St leads from the sidewalk to the outdoor patio without stairs, however there is a mildly steep slope so a wheelchair user may need assistance. The patio is level. There are no steps to enter the bar interior from the outdoor patio. The indoors bathrooms are non-ADA (one step down to enter)
Wyman Park Dell is located at 29th Street and N. Charles, with lots of open green space–and a ping pong table and playground. The grassy outdoor area is accessible via sidewalk curb cut. There is no bathroom at the Dell, but there are businesses on St. Paul Street for use.
Abell Open Space is at 32nd Street between Guilford Street and Abell Ave. It is a grassy lawn with a playground to the side. There is no bathroom access, but there are businesses on St. Paul Street with bathrooms for use.
Where can I read more about Hinenu’s COVID guidelines?
How can I help?
Volunteers to host the Zoom space and usher in person are very welcome, as well as volunteers to help setup and break down in person. Sign up join the Shleppers Collective or Hacnasat Orchim Queens (hospitality), or indicate your interest when RSVPing for an event.