Homewood Yizkor Installation

Homewood Yizkor Installation

The high holiday season calls our attention to the precariousness and preciousness of life. This year, we seek to offer our community a space to grieve with a sense of connectedness to each others’ grief, even as we maintain physical distance from one another. To supplement our Yizkor memorial online service, this installation will live on the grounds of Homewood Friends Meeting House from Rosh Hashana through Sh’mini Atzeret.

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Guided Tour for the 5781 High Holy Days

Guided Tour for the 5781 High Holy Days

Follow this Google Map with pinpointed locations throughout Baltimore for ritualized prompts of reflection, intentional eating, studying, mourning, and much more. Take the locations as suggestions! You are encouraged to apply the activities to spaces that speak to you, including inside the home and outside of Baltimore -- alone or with your pod.

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Sukkot 5781 Resource Guide

Sukkot 5781 Resource Guide

As we near the end of an immensely difficult 2020 and begin the Hebrew year of 5781, Sukkot may be just what we need more than ever.

This is a Resource Guide to celebrating Sukkot. The sections below are divided as such: Introduction, Sukkot 101, Sukkot Rituals, Sukkot Texts, How to Build/Buy a Sukkah, Sukkot indoors?, and Extras.

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5780 Annual Membership Meeting Closing Ritual

5780 Annual Membership Meeting Closing Ritual

Life has the potential to change at a moment's notice. And for all of us this year, things have changed drastically. But in contrast, the object that you have meditated on, and many other objects around you, have likely stayed pretty much the same.

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