Hinenu’s Norms for Safety and Care During Covid-19 [Updated July 2021]

This document is intended to outline general norms and best practices for Hinenu community members during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our community’s norms will evolve in response to public health officials’ evolving understanding of the virus and resulting recommendations.

People should continue to follow official guidance; use their best judgment; be respectful, mindful, and communicative about their own and others’ risk tolerances; and prioritize the safety of themselves and other community members. We understand that people are experiencing this public health emergency in different ways, and have different levels of risk, and different levels of ability to meet all recommended guidelines.
It is a high priority that as we have opportunities to gather in person as a community that our programs and services continue to be accessible online. We know that because of distance and ability, not everyone wants or is able to gather in person, and it is fundamental that we continue to offer ways to connect virtually. Some of our members are vaccinated but we can not assume that all members are; we encourage everyone to consider their own status as well as the safety of those in their household or with whom they are in regular contact (including children, immunocompromised folks), and our responsibility to the community at large.

Official Hinenu Gathering

The following guidelines will be used based on the rate of community spread. For all events pre-registration and/or sign in is required for contact-tracing, as well completing a waiver for official Hinenu events.

When community spread is low (under a 5% positivity rate in Baltimore City), the following guidelines will be used:

Outdoor gatherings of any group size, including services in which singing takes place, can be held with either masking or minimum 6 feet distance between pods. When distancing is in place, masking is still welcome but is the choice of the individual attendee.

Indoor gatherings, including services in which singing takes place, can be held with both masking and minimum 6 feet distance between pods. Number of attendees will be determined by a venue’s capacity to accommodate physical distancing. 

Venues must be able to accomodate distancing requirements and adhere to CDC ventilation guidelines.

When community spread is high (over 5% positivity rate in Baltimore City), the following guidelines will be used:

All gatherings will be held outdoors with masking and minimum 6 feet distance between pods. Number of attendees will be determined by a venue’s capacity to accommodate physical distancing. 

 We will not be planning indoor gatherings involving food at this time regardless of level of community spread. Caregivers/care partners for children/adults, or those who need to eat indoors, should eat/drink outside, or have a private space (if available).

Social Distancing Norms

Please ensure that you keep 6’ of distance between pods, and wear masks correctly (over the mouth and nose.) If you feel flu-like symptoms, please stay home (and let the Chesed team know if you need anything!) If you are unvaccinated and have been exposed to someone who is sick with COVID-19 or has flu-like symptoms, please stay home. Lastly, please remember that even if you don't feel at risk, the community includes people of varying levels of risk and health concern. 

Lifecycle Events & Chesed

Lifecycle events for members may happen in person as well with decisions made on a case by case basis provided distancing is observed. In-person pastoral visits outdoors are permitted with the Rabbi. We are developing a plan for the High Holy Days that can be responsive to the needs of our members, and the up to date information on community spread at the time. 

When providing Chesed, all typical precautions should be in place, and where feasible, delivery of food or other interactions should be done by a vaccinated household member. For norms around providing chesed, please click here.