Teaching by member Vanessa Lubiner, art by member Dominique Butler
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A lulav is a physical metaphor for the body. Each component represents different aspects of the body--the heart, the spine, the eyes, and the lips--which also represent the four letters that comprise the unpronounceable name of creation (yud/hay/vav/hay). Each species has a strong relationship to water. The lulav is shaken to the four corners (north, south, east, and west), up and down, and made with the four species (arba minim). This puts our bodies in relationship with place, earth, and in orientation to each other. How do we want to be in our environments this year? What moments/actions bring us into a state of unity? What are we connecting to? What do you observe just outside your door?
Consider harvesting through the environments around you this season. What are the plants of Baltimore, our home? Which will you borrow and why? When harvesting, do so with gentleness and care. Make clean cuts to not invite infection into the plant. Only take as much as you need. With a lulav of local plants, we honor the Piscataway, the Susquehannock, the spirits of other indigenous peoples and enslaved peoples of this land. We honor the people and architecture of Baltimore City.
the myrtle
Of the body: The Eyes
Of the senses: Smell and No Taste
Of the name: Yud/י
Harvest 3 branches with 3 clusters of branches, longer than the eyes and shorter than the spine. These are assembled on the right side of the spine.
In years past, we harvested juniper, spicebush, crepe myrtle, cedar and cottonwood to honor the myrtle.
the willow
Of the body: The Lips
Of the senses: No Taste and No Smell
Of the name: 1st Hay/ה
Harvest two branches, shorter than the eyes. The eyes are assembled on the left side of the spine.
In years past, we harvested willow and curly willow...to honor the willow.
the date palm
Of the body: The Spine
Of the senses: Taste and No Smell
Of the name: Vav/ו
Harvest 1 branch for each lulav, it should be longer than the rest and sits at the center of the lulav.
In years past, we harvested cat tails, tall evening primrose, black cherry, and oak to honor the date palm.
the etrog
Of the body: The Heart
Of the senses: Smell and Taste
Of the name: 2nd Hay/ה
Harvest 1 fruit for each lulav, must have a stem attachedIn years past, we harvested apples, figs, black walnut, and american persimmon in honor of the etrog.
Blessings for Netilat Lulav/Taking Lulav
Take the four species together with etrog in left hand and lulav in right, and say the blessing with the stem of the etrog pointed down.
ברוך אתה ה׳ אלוקינו רוח העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו על נטילת לולב
Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu al n'tilat lulav.Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to take up the lulav.
After saying the blessing, turn the etrog with stem pointed up, and shake three times each in the six directions.