Important update: Hinenu goes virtual

כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה
Kol yisrael aravim zeh bazeh
All Yisrael are responsible for each other 
(Talmud Bavli Shevuot 39a)

With an abundance of caution and love for each other, all Hinenu gatherings will take place virtually through March 27. After two weeks, we will assess the next most logical step. Hinenu now has an ad hoc rapid response COVID-19 team, comprising members who are medical professionals, representatives from our executive board of directors, and the rabbi. That group made this decision in alignment with communities around the state, country, and world having to make painful choices that we hope will point towards our collective long term wellbeing.

At this point, we are not aware that any Hinenu members have been exposed or contracted COVID-19. However, we feel that eliminating in-person gatherings is the most responsible and prudent course of action. Please refer to our email from last week about prevention and preparation. You can read a public facing version of that email here.

We're here for each other at all times and at this confusing moment. We’re inspired by what Gregg Gonsalves said, "Remember social distancing is a tremendous act of generosity and solidarity. Many of us will not get sick, but social distancing breaks the chain of infection between us and those at high risk of severe complications and death from coronavirus." This is also a very Jewish decision! Our tradition teaches us that keva, boundaries, can help us come closer to one another. 

We are committed to practicing physical distancing, but we refuse to socially distance. We are ready to get wildly creative, dream big, and develop new ways for how this emerging situation can become an opportunity for greater connection. Stay tuned to your inboxes later today for a drash from Rabbi Ariana, info on how we are starting off with Kabbalat Shabbat remotely tomorrow night, and opportunities to plug in and co-create over the coming weeks. Teaser: we’re talking virtual Havdallah, davening, and text study; buddy system/chevrutah; a revised chesed system; and… talent shows? Shabbat dinner buddies? Yoga classes?
Our community was made for moments like this one.

With love,
Michele and Rabbi Ariana